chalice chalice

Barry Deitz, inimitable story teller and lay leader at Bernardston Unitarian will again share his wealth of stories about Scottish Bard Robert Burns at our combo Burns/St. Patrick's Day celebration on March 15th at 6-9 pm. March 15, 6 pm

A UUA Congregation
in the historic 1739 First Meetinghouse
welcoming people of all faiths!
Minister: Rev. Steve Wilson
Lay preachers:
Dan Tinen and Barry Dietz
Music: Lynne Walker
Program Coordinator: Annette Mackin
Web: Mark Wadleigh

-Truth and Love have been smacked down,
so many more times in history before today. Truth, because it’s often inconvenient,
and love because it is vulnerable.
-But truth is like gravity, and carbon,
and the sun behind the eclipse: it’s still there.
And love stays alive if you tend it like a flame.
If you feel crushed by unkindness today,
it’s a time for grieving,
reaching out to loved ones,
noticing one bright color
somewhere in the day.
Remembering what there is to love.
-Starting with the immediate, the place and people we can tend ourselves, and make safe.
We can’t save everything all at once,
but it’s still worth saving something.
Because there are so many of us to do it.
And we are all still here today,
exactly as we were yesterday.
Like gravity, and carbon, and the sun behind an eclipse.
- Quote from Barbara Kingsolver
Singing hymns oooo
Barry talks about Burns at the Ceilidh Feb

🍀 March 2025 Calendar at Bernardston Unitarian 🍀

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 : Friend and Middle East scholar Ted Thornton will guide us in up to the minute learning and discussion on developments in the Middle East. Regular program time. 11 am coffee, 11:30 program.

Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 Dan is back in Massachusetts and will lead our service this Sunday, in person; Topic “A Free Church” Coffee and fellowship at 11 am. 11:30 Sunday Service. Lynne Walker on piano. See email for Zoom link

Sunday, March 9th, 2025 : Barry Deitz will lead our Sunday Service, 11 am coffee, 11:30 Sunday Service. See email for Zoom link

Saturday morning March 15th Theology Group at 10 am, Steve meets with Congregation members and friends in an exploration of Theology with meditation exercises, readings and discussion.

Saturday Night, March 15th, 2025 6:00 PM : Barry Deitz, inimitable story teller and lay leader at Bernardston Unitarian will again share his wealth of stories about Scottish Bard Robert Burns at our combo Burns/St. Patrick's Day celebration. Steve will MC. Al McIntyre is gathering the musicians and will create a visual backdrop from his travels. There will be pub treats and Celtic music!

Sunday, March 16th, 2025 : Rev. Steve Wilson will lead our Sunday Service, 11 am coffee, 11:30 Sunday Service. Lynne Walker on piano. See email for Zoom link

Monday, March17th Steve Wilson- Morning Writing group on Zoom. See email for Zoom link

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 : Heading into mud season and maple syrup runs, Rev. Calvin Dame will be our March guest minister with a topic twist you will enjoy!Sermon:"How to be Really Unhappy!" 11 am coffee, 11:30 program. Lynne Walker on piano. See email for Zoom link

~ Check your email for Links and Updates ~
You can donate. Make checks out to Congregational Unitarian Society of Bernardston and mail to:
PO Box 5, Bernardston MA, 01337

Nourish your spirit at the Bernardston Unitarian Church in the historic 1739 Unitarian Meetinghouse, a UU Congregation joining people of all faiths in love and community. Services are at 11:30 am, coffee starts at 11 am. We have fun and engaging speakers on topics concerning our modern day lives and challenges.
The Arts and Activism Program sponsors a weekly free art workshop on Fridays from 9:30am to noon after which participants traditionally join for lunch at a local restaurant. Bring your own materials and any skill level to this congenial group. We also collaborate with other local arts and service organizations to provide workshops, lectures and service projects.
Come share your interests and concerns in a spirit of good will and fellowship. Schedule is posted below. Questions: contact Annette Mackin at 413-330-0807.

Upcoming schedule: 2025

1st Sunday- Sunday Service speaker Dan Tinen 11:30- 12:30 Coffee at 11
2nd Sunday- Sunday Service with Barry Deitz 11:30- 12:30 Coffee at 11
3nd Saturday- Build your own theology with Rev. Steve Wilson 10:00- 11:30
Rev. Steve will hold a special continuing session on Saturday mornings which will involve building a personal theology. Those interested will chip in for bagels and coffee and meet with Steve from 10am to 11:30am starting on Sat. Sept. 10th.
3rd Sunday- Sunday Service with Rev. Steve Wilson11:30- 12:30 Coffee at 11
Following Monday - Zoom writing workshop with Rev. Steve Wilson 10:00- 11:30
All are welcome to come drop in on our writing group. Participants who attend should regularly be prepared to share a 1 page (2-5 minute) personal piece on the topics listed below. All level of writers are welcome to come. This is more about sharing people’s experiences than it is about the deftness of our literary gifts. The structure of this group is simple. Following a Chalice lighting with a quote from a famous writer, people check in about how they are doing, after the check in all participants who are willing, share their writing on the theme. All that mostly with a little bit of camaraderie fills the hour and a half.
4rth Sunday Sunday Service-Lay led service or chalice circle Arts and Activism11:30- 12:30 Coffee at 11
5th Sundays Sunday Service with Rev. Steve Wilson 11:30- 12:30 Coffee at 11

The Meetinghouse Artists group has been meeting weekly, Friday in person - vaccination required. Or sometimes on Zoom depending on Covid rates and other considerations.

Stay strong, stay smart, stay safe and well. The world needs our optimism and cooperation!

Experience Unitarian Warmth
There's always something happening at the Bernardston Unitarian Church

Try out Dan's Franklin County UU YouTube Channel

Call 413 330-0807 for information or if you need to carpool to come to church or events.

Wednesdays On-going Wed. Meetinghouse Artists group, 9:30am to noon. Bring your project, materials, craft to a congenial gathering. Join us!

ooooooo Fun at the Fall 2021 Fall Clean Up!

Saturday night, Feb. 11th, Its our annual Robert Burns Scottish Celidh (kay-lee)!!
Michael Nix played his banjar and Chris Devine the fiddle for a custom Scottish set of songs.
7-9 pm, bring your own beverage and if you have time or inclination bring finger foods to share.
Open mic for Poetry or prose of or in the vein of the Romantic Burns or related humor.

Sandra Hayne's Patreon Page Our exhibiting artist Sandra Haynes: "An Exploration of Artistic Media Through a Series"

Arts and Activism:
Focus and Creativity
at the Greg Maichack Workshop

Charlie Malcolm speaks about the role of the State Department in current foreign affairs in our Great Decisions series.

Big "Thank You"s go out to Jean and the wonderful Farley String Band for their performance Saturday night at our Robert Burns Ceilidh . Thank you Michael for ordering and donating the Haggis (yes it was spicy & delicious) and masterfully presented by Celt in his traditional Scottish kilt. Barry delivered the Burns remarks with great historical reference and humor and Sandra and Corey added to the night with readings. Thanks to all who put in time on the very Scottish refreshments, Celt made wonderful scones with clotted cream and jam, Mark put a lot of team work in on our specialty steak pies, Kathy made some great oatmeal vegetarian haggis, Carol made gluten free shortbread, Sandra chicken and a special Scottish sweet treat, Marilyn brought lots of munchies and guacamole. Kim and others brought exotic beverages to share. Lots of food showed up that I have no idea who brought. It was all delicious. Thank you all for a great and fitting celebration to lighten January 2019!

Opening Sept. 30, 2018, Reception 12 2
Music for the reception provided by
Ryan Lee and friends, NMH School Music Program

Spring 2017 art show at the Meetinghouse! "Into the Future" Opening music by Peter Skolnik and presentation by Barry Dietz Paintings, sculpture and music.

September October art show at the Meetinghouse! 2016 River Rooms Installation, paintings by Alice Thomas and Water Views, photographs by Annette Mackin Wadleigh more information: click here

chicken "Agriculture ~the Heartbeat of the Valley" May 30 ~ June 13, 2015 ~ 10am to 2pm daily A Multi-Media Art Exhibit Celebrating Working Farms of the Pioneer Valley co-sponsored by DVAA, Pioneer Valley Institute, Bernardston Agricultural Commission, Arts and Activism at Bernardston Unitarian with funding support from the Bernardston and MA Cultural Council Closing Event: Michael Nix Concert Saturday, June 13, 7:30-9:30 More Information

Earth Wisdom Earth Wisdom Saturday, May 2 , Screen time ~ 6:30pm "Oil & Water" ~ The third film in a trilogy of inspiring environmental films following our first Saturday with Steve Pot Luck at 5:30. Suggested donation for the movie $5, bring a dish to share for the Pot luck supper before the movie. About the movie: Two boys come of age looking for solutions to the global problem of reckless oil drilling following years of oil contamination in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Local connections. Spoiler alert! They find a solution! More Information

Shadows of Liberty
Thanks to Jean Philippe Tremblay for his amazing film, to Debra Brown for bringing the film to Bernardston, and thanks to Dan DeWalt and Sara Longsmith of Free Press for their astute commentary on the film and thanks as well to our animated audience! Photos
Their website:
They made their Kicksarter Goal! Here's their Kickstarter page

Jim Scott at the Bernardston Unitarian Church Jim Scott at the Bernardston Unitarian Church Jim Scott giving a special holiday service December 2013 Explore Jim Scott's music at, some of it is in our hymnal! some of it is in our hymnal!

Inequality Poster Inequality Poster
Special showing of Robert Reich's movie "Inequality for All" December 8, 2013

Under the Oaks The Deerfield Valley Art Association Fall Members Show Columbus Day weekend, ending Monday Oct. 14. Under the Oaks "LIVE ARTS UNDER THE OAKS!" Special Thanks to Linda Lively, Kathy Hale, Chantal Dupuis, Roy Morgan, Mark Wadleigh, Rev. Steve Wilson, Robbianne Mackin, Bev Phelps, Martha Stiles, Joel Fowler, Sandra Haynes, Barry Deitz, Jim Gildea, artists under the tent: Karen Evans, Leni Gaudet, Genevieve Abate, Gary Fiske-White, Edith Hunsberger, Mary Glabach Field, and Maureen Moore, and of course the Band- Pat & Tex LaMountain, Rick Mauran and John White. A great team effort to clean up and down, set up two art shows and outside booths, and run a complex event with great success and fun for all!

Past Events!

Reinhardt's 99th Birthday celebration

climate rally No Pipeline through New England!
Climate Rally - 10:30 on the Meetinghouse steps. Sunday February 17th in solidarity with the DC Rally and

Thanks for a good laugh and sweet treats on Valentines day.
The Valentines Cabaret was sooooo great!

Happy time on the church steps watching the parade! "Sense of Place" Celebration. Sept. 22, Story telling, meetinghouse tours, parade float and artist reception

Thanks to every one who helped with the Cabaret to benefit Franklin County flood victims and the Guinoppe Honduras Project!!! It was a great success!!! Thanks to the Great Local Business Sponsors for our Cabaret Raffle! Click here to find out who they are!

This is Louise with Caryl after an amazing presentation. Boy can she make history come alive! The paintings describe the only successful Native American rebellion. Link to Louise's Website

Dreams of Home Event The "SHELTER: Dreams of Home Event" included a panel of professionals speaking about housing, getting a home, keeping a home and related issues. The Art Exhibition accompanying a free community event held May 14, 2011 from 11am-8pm. The subject of the exhibition was "HOME" and all that the word evokes in our hearts, minds, and senses. The Opening Reception held from 3-5 pm on the 14th followed by The Walter Mittys Band from 5- 8pm.

DVAA & our Meetinghouse Artists getting a special tour with Sen. Stan Rosenberg

GREAT SPRING WATER EVENT! thanks to all who participated! Click Here for the photo page.

Dan Esty Keynote speaker Daniel Esty, author of "Green to Gold" Yale Professor and advisor to Pres. Obama

Al and Jane
Photos of Al's 15 years with the Bernardston Unitarians celebration!

Eric and Steve Eric Wasileski and Steve Wilson
Australian Send-off for Rev. Steve Wilson
Party Pictures

David Korten at the Bernardston Unitarian Church David Korten at the Bernardston Unitarian ChurchThanks to David Korten progressive visionary author Speaking about creating a positive future
David Korten's blog
TheGreat Turning website
Thanksto the sponsors and contributors for their generous support!

Dr Robert Sidorsky Ultimate Peace Saturday April 10, 2009 Robert and Linda Sidorsky have been doing their part to bring peace to the Middle East by facilitating Ultimate Frisbee games between Palestinian and Israeli youth. Dr. Robert Sidorsky spoke about this exciting venture as part of the Great Decisions discussion. Pictures & More Info Pictures & More Info

Peace Mantra: "To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance." -Buddha

Stay tuned for special events.

Find Us - Directions
A history of the church from the 1600's
Honoring our Elders Over Eighty

Bernardston Unitarian Declaration of Fellowship:
We unite to affirm
that love is the spirit of this church
and service it's mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To give service to humanity.

chalice chalice